The ancient language of Gujarati is native to the Indian state of Gujarat and some of its neighboring territories. For the great Mohandas K Ghandi it was the first language, but across the world there are over 46 million people who speak Gujarati, including people in England, Kenya, Tanzania, Pakistan, Uganda, North America, the majority of these people, 45.5 millions, live in India. All languages need to develop to survive and the Gujaratilexicon Language Resources aims to continue the development of Gujarati through the power of today's informational online resources, and it sits alongside a very comprehensive Indian language resource kit. This kit includes the Gujarati Dictionary, a Thesaurus, an Idioms section, and the options of Phrases and Proverbs. You can also download the Gujarati spellchecker program and, since the program interface displays a virtual keyboard in Unicode fonts, a download of Gujarati Unicode fonts is available for you too. If you speak or are learning Gujarati, no matter where you live, you will find this program to be of considerable use to you as it can be read in three ways, Gujarati to Gujarati, Gujarati to English, English to Gujarati.
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